Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Midweek Check In

Earlier this week I set some goals for myself because I need to start taking baby steps towards a better life. My Best Life (miss u Oprah!)

Today I was put to the test for mini goal #2 - to bring lunch every day this week. We didn't really have much at home, and all of our containers are in use. I nearly used this excuse to buy a salad but I did not!! I wound up eating this combination:
Plum, Peach Chobani, Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

I haven't had oatmeal since the last time it was cold and was surprised by how tasty it was. I always forget. I enjoyed this with a Chobani Peach yogurt and a plum. It was pretty good overall! Now I'm going to look at my checking account and at the extra $8 in it :)

PS Look my plum looks like a heart!
boom boom, boom boom


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