Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You Shouldn't Have A Reality Show

Is anyone watching Tia & Tamera? No, not the WB show from the 90s, but their new reality show on Style network? I was half intrigued about it as when I saw the gigantic billboards in Times Square and decided to check it out.

Um, these people shouldn't have a show. They make me cringe!!

They just sorta say whatever pops in their head and bicker bicker bicker!! They had a ten minute fight about ice cream. Really. That happened. The music got dark and serious and they fought about ice cream. For ten minutes.
Selfish & Selfisher
At one point a pregnant Tia had to go to the hospital the day before Tamera's wedding shower. In her interview, Tamera goes "I didn't want to be selfish, but I hope she can make it to my bridal shower." (#@*%@(*#^%. The show is filled with comments like this that make me look around to lock eyes with some mystery person in my living room who is also watching this crap. Instead I'm met with looks from a bored Peach.
"Put on Animal Planet"

Naturally I proceeded to watch 3 episodes of this mess but was finally able to pull myself away. Sheesh!


On Friday, I got an email from my good friend Danni that she'd be in town this weekend from London!  Danni and I met about four years ago and quickly discovered we both loved beer, brunch and exploring NYC!

We brunched at a place called Intermezzo in Chelsea. They have an unlimited champagne brunch there! (And it's apparently also drag brunch. Shocking for Chelsea, I know!)

Danni, myself, Emily and Danni's friend (and now ours!) Deb all enjoyed our meal and catching up! The brunch even included a little drag show where this fine lady sang and even laid out on 8th avenue to up her theatrics haha! I was so glad Danni flew in for a quick visit to the states! :)


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