Monday, February 6, 2012

Ramble ramble

Happy February 6th! Hopefully all of you woke up to a brand new day for the fourth time and are not stuck learning French, playing the piano or generally wooing Andie MacDowell.

I started February off right and headed to the gym! I did some cardio and was quite proud of myself!

Although it's already the easiest thing in the world for me, I want  to say that I've fully committed to healthy breakfasts. It's the other meals that I struggle with, but I have to say, starting off the day with something healthy really does get you in the right mind set for the day. All week I've been having oatmeal with banana!

Today I added a tablespoon of chocolate almond butter MMMMM.

Nom nom. I also added a tablespoon of chia seeds and had an iced coffee on the side. Peach thought it looked tasty.

In other news - look at this yellow wrapped subway I took the other day!
Tropicana shuttle

Random Link:
  • I got completely stuck on this website the other day. This was where I started: 12 Things Happy People Do Differently, and then I got sucked into all the other links on the side. Some are interesting, some are dumb....all are good as time killers ;)
Thank you for reading through the ramble post. This concludes the ramble post.


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