Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekly Roundup

Good morning!! I know, I know... I haven't blogged in over a week. You ever have those weeks that are just sorta blah? My mind frame wasn't quite right this week and I could simply think of nothing to write.  My lower back has been hurting a lot (I threw my back out once a few years ago... I'm scared it's going to happen again!!), I've had a vague headache that I think is part of a cold along with some stuffiness, and I'm super duper broke due to an unexpected visit to the vet for Peach.

But I'm worth it Mommy!

You are lil Peach... you are! xo

Ok.. that's all out there. Pity party over!!

Today is Saturday and a beautiful autumn day! I have a large to do list that involves cleaning up my apartment, getting things in order and making phone calls to catch up with people.

BUT FIRST, I seem to have gotten myself into a little ritual. I've been waking up mid Saturday mornings, making myself some sort of hearty, weekend breakfast and watching Jersey Shore.

Don't judge. These people are all ridiculous. Snooki & Jionni need to break up. Situation needs to crawl into a cave and never go out into public again. And Vinny needs to apparently move to Sicily and eat lots of pasta for the rest of his days.

How was your week? I will briefly recap here:

Last last Friday: Brandon & I went to Patrick's place in Hoboken for some drinks! We started the evening with Kir Royales which is vodka, creme de cassis and champagne. They were so good!

We ended the evening with playing a trivia game, wine, and heading into the city. It was a fun night!

Sunday: Pete & I went up to my sister's house in Westchester for some sister times! We went apple picking in the morning with her family and some friends, and then came back to the house for a bbq. It was such a beautiful, relaxing, country Sunday!

Pete giving uncly apply advice

Do we look ready for kids?? ;)
Monday: Monday I got a much needed hair cut! What do you think?

No, no.. naturally, I did not take a picture of my fun hair, but basically, I took about 4 inches off the ends, and put some layers into the entire thing. This was much needed!

Tuesday: Tuesday after work I went with Patrick to Mike's place uptown. Since Mike's schedule at work has changed, I never get to see him!! :( So I suggested we have some mid-week times. A box of wine & some wigs happened ... there are about 8 more pictures like the one above LOL. They were crackin' me up!!

Wednesday: Pete and I went to see Drive with Ryan Gosling. I thought this movie was kinda shitty... Pete liked it. Boop.

Thursday: I took Miss Peach to the vet. The poor girl HATES being in a car, and in the small confinement of her carrier (she is so big that we use a dog carrier). She meowed her stressful meow the entire 20 minute drive to the vet. It's so distracting and hard to listen to! But she got a pretty good report card from the vet. My goal is to help her lose 2lbs.

Friday: Yesterday Pete and I went to my parents house for dinner. It was a nice relaxing dinner and a far cry from my Friday nights when I was in my early 20s!! *Sigh*

Saturday/Today: Today for breakfast, I tried religious Ezekiel bread. It is made up of a bunch of different grains that create a healthy protein. .. I think that's what I read on the side of the bag.

It was pretty good! Quite filling. I enjoyed it along side an iced pumpkin coffee.

Ok friends! I can cross "blog" off my to do list! Now I get to go clean a bathroom. Jealous?

Before I go, let me make some goals for the week:
  1. Blog 3x
  2. Yoga 2x
  3. Cardio 2x
  4. Spend 20 minutes a day doing something for my life - ie keep after my apt, work on resume, meditate, write. etc etc
Have a great Saturday!


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