Monday, August 8, 2011

Decking & Doilies

Happy Monday!!  How was everyone's weekend?

Friday night was spent at Patrick's apartment with Mike & Kelly. We had some cocktails on the deck (we call this the act of decking) and then played Singstar & Buzz- a singing & trivia game respectively, for Playstation.

Doesn't my drink look innocent like sparking water? ;)

Some white wine spritzers  & cherry vodka with sprite zeros were enjoyed. Patrick found these cute little wine charms in his cabinet ( I love finding cute crap in my cabinet!)

Saturday I went to the beach with Emily and took no pictures because I didn't want sand in my camera lens. I will tell you though - the ocean had so much seaweed in it that it looked like a mojito!! I've never seen so much seaweed in water! It kept wrapping around our legs and getting all under our bathing suits ick ick ick!

The water was also super rough and we both lost our sunglasses after getting knocked down by multiple waves!  I love that we kept subjecting ourselves to this! Eventually we just sat in the sand by the water, trying to catch our breath. Whew! I needed new sunglasses anyway - it was this sexy pair:

Last night I went to Kohl's to get some new jeans & sunglasses. Apparently grandma's doilies are in fashion this fall.

This morning I craved something simple and went with toast with butter & raspberry jam.

I had a loaf of regular wheat bread in the freezer from a buy one, get one sale. I had it this morning but really wasn't feeling the taste of it too much. I am thoroughly spoiled by sandwich thins and bagel thins!

I enjoyed a cup of honeydew melon on the side.

Off to do some work!!


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