Sunday, July 24, 2011

Drink My Rum

Having people over is the best excuse to keep your apartment tidy, isn't it?? ;)

Friday night I invited my friends Patrick & Mike over for some at home drink times. I was actually calling it a "Help Me Clean Out My Liquor Cabinet" party lol.
Can you spot the giant slug?

I bought a bunch of fresh veggies, hummus, sea salt Bagel Chips, Jalepeno Cheddar Sun Chips (new! And tasty!) and Chocolate Chex Mix.

 We had a blast just hanging out, playing with the dog and chatting. Pete made a brief appearance as well!

Peach attended the party, and then Duke would attend the party. The two would switch off haha. 

But look at the PROGRESS we're making!!

I mean, Peach is still hissing at the dog, but still! Much better than before!

For breakfast, I had a bit of a struggle with see..there is ice cream in the freezer.  Ice cream does not live long in this house! But I resisted and made myself a smoothie instead! Yay more progress! LOL

In this cup:
  • 1 frozen 'naner
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 Chobani plain Green yogurt
  • big ass handful of spinach
  • 3/4 cup of chocolate almond milk
  • 3 ice cubes
This was good - it was actually very strawberry banana flavored (I know, I know, that's what's IN it...) which I'm not a big fan of. I guess the protein powder I normally add makes a huge difference flavor-wise. It's fine though- a much much better choice than ice cream!

Later I took the pup for a walk. It's hot out- but not as bad as earlier in the week. A few times Duke and I would be walking, and then he'd find some grass and sit down. What does this mean? I wasn't sure if he was hot, tired or something else.

Along the way we found some pigeons to chase. Can you see them in this pic?

I love the action shot! Our walk was only about 20 minutes though as NY is still in an awful heat wave. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Yay for entertaining! I love the photos on the couch where Peach is having none of it and stares at the wall.

  2. BTW your blog made me verify some spanish word so I could post my it racially profiling me?
